Month: May 2019


A while back I saw an article about “Manhattenhenge,” a phenomenon in which when in alignment, people grab amazing shots of sunsets peering through tall buildings in Manhattan. It was coined based off the beautiful shots people have gotten at Stonehenge. Then, we found out scientists had done the math and “Taipei-henge” was coming in early May.

Sarah ended up getting a great photo.

It got me thinking about how important the alignment is. If Sarah’s not in the right place at the right time, she won’t get this photo. She cold be one street to the left or 10 minutes late and she might miss the whole thing. She has to be in great alignment to enjoy the benefits.

God has said we’re like that. When we’re in alignment with Him, there are a ton of benefits. But our own guilt, shame, and fear prevent us from receiving those benefits. Sometimes, we’ve sinned and brought ourselves out of alignment with God. Other times, we’ve allowed our feeling of wrong to inform our understanding of our relationship with God, which in turn hinders our ability to relate and be in alignment with Him.

But when we are in alignment, we see the sun. We see the Son. We receive His light to guide us. We see and feel the beauty.

God, would you help us to be in alignment with you. If there’s anything that’s holding us back from perfect alignment with your Word, please show us. Give us the courage to act. We want to be in alignment with You (Proverbs 3:5-7).